dr hab. Marcin Kałduński, prof. UMKprofesor uniwersytetu
Katedra Prawa Międzynarodowego i Europejskiego
pokój: 92, Coll. Iuridicum Novum, W. Bojarskiego 3, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48-56-611-4043
ORCID: 0000-0002-2179-5733
Terminy konsultacji:
Dyżur w poniedziałki od 11.15. Zapraszam. Link do dyżuru: ttps://
Since the beginning of his career, Marcin Kałduński has focused on international and economic law. He is an alumnus of Professor Janusz Gilas and delivers papers at international and national conferences. He works on legal texts in Polish, English, French and German.
Marcin Kałduński is a qualified attorney and counsel of the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland. He practices in the areas of international and domestic dispute resolution, incl. the ECHR and the CJEU. He primarily acts as counsel in international commercial and investment arbitration proceedings (the ICSID Additional Facility Rules, the ICC Rules, the SCC Rules and the UNCITRAL Rules).
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