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Condolences to Prague

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Following the tragic events at Charles University in Prague on December 21, the rector of NCU sent condolences to Rector Milena Králíčková.

"The academic community of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń is shocked by the tragedy that struck Charles University in Prague. Please accept our deepest sympathy and support to your community.

The events that occurred at the Faculty of Philosophy are a personal tragedy for the victims and their loved ones, as well as for all employees and students of Charles University. It has also affected other academic communities. The university is a sacred place which is associated with youth, the passion for acquiring knowledge and the joy of student life. This sanctity has been violently violated.

Please remember that in these difficult moments of disbelief and despair, you have friends from many universities around the world by your side. May this awareness help the Charles University community to soothe its pain."

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