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Announcement by the Rector of NCU

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Announcement by the Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń from 09.03.2020 on the guidelines and recommendations concerning the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

To whom it may concern,

Due to a growing number of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections I recommend special caution, including avoidance of mass events and large gatherings of people. Please follow and comply with the current recommendations from the following websites:

One should especially bear in mind the basic rules of hygiene- washing hands as often as possible, covering one’s nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing:

  • viruses are eradicated on contact with soap, and covering one’s nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing limits the spread of infections, thanks to which the people around are protected,
  • after using tissues, it is necessary to dispose of them immediately and wash one’s hands,
  • it is worthwhile to carry antibacterial gel or tissues, which are an effective way of cleaning one’s hands.

Due to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic threat, and the announcements by the Main Sanitary Inspectorate and World Health Organization (WHO) on declaring the state of emergency of international range, bearing in mind the duty to ensure safe and hygienic working conditions, I have decided to suspend until further notice all work-related trips by employees of Nicolaus Copernicus University to the countries with high virus incidence especially to the regions with increased incidence reported, namely China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy (especially to the regions of Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont, Emilia Romania and Lazio), as well as Iran, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, France and Germany. The list of not recommended travel destinations is expected to grow.

The suspension also includes all ‘official’ trips by students and doctoral students. Nicolaus Copernicus University will make a suggestion to cancel all planned visits by students (among others, from the Erasmus program), doctoral students and employees of foreign partnering universities from the aforementioned countries with high incidence.

It is recommended that all the events with foreign guests from countries with a high incidence of infection should be postponed.

The costs sustained by NCU's staff as a result of the Rector's decision which cannot be recovered (such as airline tickets), shall be refunded by the University at the employee’s request.

Individuals planning private foreign trips are obliged to comply with the announcements and guidelines published by Main Sanitary Inspectorate, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign affairs and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Students, doctoral students and NCU Staff returning from countries with high incidence are excused from performing classes and work duties at the University for the period of 14 days from leaving the hazard area. Individuals who have demonstrated no infection symptoms yet are recommended to remain at home and monitor their condition. It also concerns those who had contact with potentially infected people.

  • Students are obliged to send a notification via e-mail to their teacher and the Head of Department/unit where classes are taught (Dean, Head of Doctoral College etc.) after returning from a country with high incidence. Academic teachers are obliged to allow for teaching the classes or taking tests at a different time, allowing the possibility to change their form.
  • Doctoral students and University Staff are obliged to send a notification via e-mail to the head of the unit after returning from a threatened region, for the purpose of deciding individual course of further actions.
  • The Head of Department/unit (Dean, Head of Doctoral College etc.) inform Vice-Rector for Students Affairs and Staff Management about the number of students, who come back from countries with high virus incidence.

Academic teachers are obliged to monitor the situation and notify about any potential threats.

I wish to emphasize that the most important thing is to remain calm, avoid actions which are disproportionate to the situation and exercise rational prevention- a 24h/day helpline of National Health Fund is 800 190 590.

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