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Department of Theory of Law and State

Staff structure:

Dr. hab. Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka, prof. UMK – Head of the Department

Dr. hab. Milena Korycka-Zirk, prof. UMK – University Professor

Dr. hab. Karol Dobrzeniecki, prof. UMK – University Professor

Dr. Agata Czarnecka – assistant professor

Dr. hab. Marcin Kilanowski, prof. UMK – University Professor


Individual scientific fields of research:

Dr. hab. Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka, prof. UMK


Academic interests:

The key area concerns the relations between constitutional law and the law of European integration. This thematic field covers such issues as: the constitutional rules that enable and establish conditions for a country’s membership in the EU, legal pluralism or the role of constitutional courts in the EU.  Additionally, the problems of judicial review, transitional justice, global constitutionalism, legal interpretation and crisis of liberal democracy are under research.

(A detailed list of publication is available on the Polish website of  the scholar)

Participation in international research grants:

the research project Security in V4 Constitutions and Political Practices (the International Visegrad Fund) resulting in preparation of a report on national security categories within the System of the Council of Europe, with the particular focus on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.


Dr. hab. Milena Korycka-Zirk, prof. UMK                                                              


Main research projects:

The field of scientific interest had been determined by two crucial factors: the significance of analytical method and logic in scrutinizing law and the need of practical insight into the terminological and constructional achievements of theory of law. In general there are such currents of  as: the issue of constitutional review of law, formal reasoning in jurisprudence and philosophical implications for the test of the principle of proportionality. Due attention is has been given to the subject of constitutionalism and practical aspects of the application and interpretation of principles in courts. Likewise,  a redefinition of the notion of the principle in order to reflect the way principles are applicable by judges in courts especially in constitutional courts and  the implication of the concept of the constitutionality of law that grant the protection of minority rights and how that influence the methods of constitutional norms interpretation have been taken into account.

The latest research turns to an attempt to highlight legal realism in application of law and the methods of legal research.

     (A detailed list of publications is available on the Polish website of the scholar)


Dr. hab. Karol Dobrzeniecki, prof. UMK

  1. Research activity covers:

the issue of philosophy of law of the emergency situations in 2013-2018; philosophical and legal aspects of the information society; reprivatization after 1989 in the light of principles of the transitional justice, with particular focus on the problems of lawmaking and its application; legal pluralism;  globalization; transformations of the international law; the problem related to the erosion of state sovereignty in the postmodern ages.

(A detailed list of publications is available on the Polish website of the scholar)


  1. International activity




Dr. hab. Marcin Kilanowski, prof. UMK

Scientific research and projects:

Scientific research has focused  on four issues:

  1. The Meanings of American Pragmatism for Social Sciences (2002-2006); 2. Towards a New Understanding of the Value of Freedom and Responsibility (2007-2013); 3. Towards a New Philosophical Foundation for the State and Law. Freedom, Solidarity         and Responsibility in Times of Crisis (2010-2017); 4. Law in the World of Global Changes – Towards a New Paradigm (2012-2018).

(A detailed list of publications is available on the Polish website of the scholar)


as an expert

2018-2021         Work in the project The New Social Contract, EI University Center of the Governance of Change Grant – preparation of the report on The Future of Democracy and The Rule of Law.

2016-2017        Work in the project Global Risks 2035: The Search for a New Normal; Financed by Atlantic Council – evaluation of the outcomes of the research.

2015-2017         Work in the project Corporation in a Global Society with support of Santander Universitades Grant – preparation of the article Deep Capture.

2012-2015         Work in the project Redefining the transatlantic relationship and its role in shaping global governance; Project financed by European Union’s 7th Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 290454; Carried out by a consortium of 13 academic and research centres from the EU, the US and Turkey: Istituto Aari Internazionali, Coordinator German Marshall Fund of the United States, University of Edinburgh, Free University of Berlin, Fondation Nationales des Sciences Politiques Sabanci, University of Istanbul, Chatham House, European University Institute, University of Siena, Charles University of Prague, University of Mannheim, TNS Opinion, American University of Washington and in cooperation with experts from other universities e.g. Nicolaus Copernicus University – work on the final report;  evaluation of the outcomes of the research.

as project menager

2017-2020        Work on the project Global Governance – Toward a New Paradigme at Oxford University (September). Financed by Altius Society with support of Acciona Grant and Telefonica Grant.

2015         Work on the project Toward new philosophical basis for protection of human rights at The Science-Po Law School, Paris (July). Institute of Legal and Political Research Grant.

2013        Work on the project From Universality to Responsibility in International Human Rights at Freie Universitat Berlin (February). John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Grant.

2012         Work on the project Looking for a New Language for Human Rights at The Science-Po Law School, Paris (September). French Government Grant.

2010-2011        Work on the project Beyond Universalism at Harvard University supported by Department of Philosophy and Institute of Legal and Political Research Grant.

2008-2010        Work on the project Toward Social Solidarity and Civil Society. Nicolaus Copernicus University Scientific Grant.

2007 Work on the project Freedom and Responsibility at Harvard University. The Kosciuszko Foundation Grant

2005        Work on the project Pragmatism and its Role Today at Freie Universitat Berlin (December-January). John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Grant.

2002-2004        Work on the project Between American and Continental Pragmatism. From Dewey to Habermas. The State Committee for Scientific Research Grant.

2002         Work on the project Toward New Basis for Liberal Democracy. Nicolaus Copernicus University Scientific Grant.

International cooperation:

 Scientific contacts with Harvard University, Sciece Po Ecole de Droit, at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies at the Freie Universität in Berlin and at the Institut für Sozialforschung in Frankfurt am Main.

Other activities:

Ÿ Since 2013, a member of the board and a member of the scientific board of the Altius Society at the University of Oxford.

Ÿ Since 2009,  association with following research networks:  Harvard University, Institute of Global Law and Policy (Cambridge), Oxford University, Oxford Martin School & Oxford Union (Oxford), EI University – Centre for the Governance of Change (Madrid), Bucerius Global Governance Network (Hamburg).


Dr. Agata Czarnecka 

Field of scientific research: 

Main focus on Anglo-Saxon non-liberal legal and political philosophy; practical implications of philosophy of law.

(A detailed list of publications is available on the Polish website of the Scholar)


Other activities:

A leader of  the project “Making Citizens Moral as a Factor of Crime Prevention and Supporting Crime Victims” funded by the Main Council for Social Readaptation and Support of Sentenced Persons;

Etiuda doctoral scholarship granted by the National Science Center of Poland.