Contact ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 3, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 41 10

Department of Criminal Law

Staff structure:

Prof. Dr. hab.  Violetta Konarska-Wrzosek – the Head of the Department

NCU Prof. Dr hab.Jerzy Lachowski

NCU Prof. Dr. hab.Tomasz Oczkowski

Dr. hab. Janusz Bojarski – assistant professor PhD hab.

Dr. Agata Ziółkowska – assistant profesor

Dr.  Natalia Daśko – assistant professor

Dr. Michał Berent – assistant professor

Scientific research and projects: common and individual

Area of research: criminal law, fiscal criminal law, juvenile proceedings, petty offences (and specific topics in these areas: forms of commission of crime cooperation in commission of crime, the system of penalties for offenses and offenses and tax offenses, extraordinary mitigated and extraordinarily strictened punishment, code and non-code crimes against human life and health, criminal-law protection of the human fetus, crimes against sexual freedom and decency, crimes against family and care, fiscal offenses and minor offenses, demoralization and juvenile delinquency and the use of educational and corrective measures against them, principles of criminal responsibility, probation and parole, as well as traffic offenses, offenses against environment, freedom, family and care, state institutions and local self-government, as well as property and executive criminal law, economic criminal law, medical criminal law, military criminal law, sports criminal law, religious or ideological groups as a problem of penal sciences; crime against cultural property; victim of terrorism in terms of law and victimology)

Main achievements of the unit, most important publications, grants and rewards

(A detailed list of  publications available on the Polish website of  particular Scholar)



Grants of National Science Centre: “Criminal law and criminological aspects of counterfeiting of medicinal goods and products” and “An inefficient attempt of crime in Polish criminal law”

Nicolaus Copernicus University grant: “Criminological aspects of trade in counterfeit medicinal goods and products in cyberspace

 Scientific projects:

A membership of an interdisciplinary research project devoted to determining the effectiveness of socialization of dispositional groups in the context of personal security on the example of the army. This project is implemented as part of statutory activities at the Faculty of Security Sciences of the Military Academy of Land Forces in Wrocław.