Department of Commercial Law, Maritime Law and Civil Procedure Law
Staff structure
NCU Prof. dr hab. Anna Moszyńska, the Head of the Department of Commercial Law, Civil Procedure and Maritime Law, attorney at law with many years of experience not only in providing legal services to entrepreneurs (since 2003) but also in working in their bodies, including: member of supervisory boards of commercial companies, representative of the Minister of the Treasury (6 years); member of the audit committee of the association, vice president of the foundation`s board. A member of the Council of Experts of the Institute of Economic Research since 2014. Author of numerous publications on the evolution of civil and commercial law institutions and codification of law.
Full academic profiles of NCU Prof. dr hab. Anna Moszyńska are available at:
Google Schoolar:;
Dr hab. Aleksandra Sikorska-Lewandowska, adjunct at the Department of Commercial and Maritime Law, attorney at law. A graduate of the Faculty of Law at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, a graduate of the Postgraduate Studies in Commercial Law and European Studies at the European Center for Special Studies. In 2013, Aleksandra Sikorska-Lewandowska obtained the title of doctor of legal sciences on the basis of the dissertation entitled „Sankcje wadliwych uchwał rad nadzorczych spółek kapitałowych i spółdzielni (Sanctions of defective resolutions of supervisory boards of capital companies and cooperatives)”.
Full academic profiles of Dr Aleksandra Sikorska-Lewandowska are available at:
Google Schoolar:
Dr Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska, assistant professor at Department of Commercial and Maritime Law. Since 2015 she has been a member of the Polish Codification Commission for Maritime Law. She is vice-president of the Polish Maritime Law Association, a member of the board of the Maritime Law Commission of the Polish Academy of Science and an arbitrator in maritime disputes. In 2017 she was awarded a grant by the Polish National Science Center for research dedicated to the problems of contemporary maritime codes. She has conducted her research in numerous maritime law centers, including Tulane University Law School (as a Fulbright grantee), the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, and the University of Southampton Institute of Maritime Law.
Full academic profiles of Dr Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska are available at:
Dr (PhD) candidate Mariusz T. Kłoda, assistant lecturer at the Department of Commercial and Maritime Law. A graduate of Law, Administration, Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Banking Law and Banking and Leszek Balcerowicz School. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń representative on the Technical Committee 333 for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (Polish Committee for Standardization; TC 333 is the leading committee for cooperation with ISO/TC 307 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies and CEN-CLC/JTC 19 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies). The Council Chairman of the Ad Astra. Center for Space Policy and Law, Supervisory Board member of the Polish Space Professionals Association (PSPA), Scientific Council member of the DroneTech World Meetings, Programme Council member of the Near Space Conference, editorial assistant at “Comparative Law Review” (Scopus scientific journal).
Full academic profiles of Dr (PhD) candidate Mariusz T.Kłoda are available at:
Google Schoolar:;
NCU Prof. Dr hab. Agnieszka Laskowska-Hulisz conducts research individual on the following topics: the scope of cognizance of the first instance civil court in the civil proceedings; the appeal in civil proceedings; the international civil proceedings. In 2017-2018 she participated in a research project entitled The problem of evidence obtained contrary to the law in a civil trial carried out by a research team led by Dr. hab. Krzysztof Knoppek, prof. of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. She is also a co-author of comments to the Code of Civil Procedure, Publishing House C.H. Beck (in print: 2019). Smilarly, she developed issues regarding the suspension and discontinuation of proceedings, which will be published in the Civil Procedure Law System. Civil Process, v. II, S. Cieślak (ed.) (in print, Warsaw 2019),
and prepared selected issues in the scope of non-contentious proceedings, which will be published in the Civil Procedure Law System. Non-contentious proceedings, v. IV, K. Lubiński (ed.), Warsaw 2019. Likwise she was invited to prepare the slogans in the prepared volume of the Great Encyclopedia of Law in the field of civil procedural law, edited by K. Lubiński. The organizer of this undertaking is the Foundation “Ubi societas, ibi ius“. The editor-in-chief of the Great Encyclopedia of Law is prof. zw. dr hab. dr h.c. Brunon Hołyst, and deputy editor-in-chief – prof. zw. dr hab. dr h.c. Roman Hauser.
Dr Joanna May prepares a comprehensive study of the issue of revealing assets and searching for debtor’s property, which will be published in the Civil Procedure Law System. Security and Enforcement Proceedings, ed. A. Jakubecki, Warsaw 2019. At the same time, she is continuing her work on the postdoctoral dissertation devoted to a classical institution, i.e. lawsuit in civil process. This issue has so far not been elaborated in Polish literature in monographic form. Dr Joanna May was invited to prepare the slogans in the prepared volume of the Great Encyclopedia of Law in the field of civil procedural law, edited by K. Lubiński. The organizer of this undertaking is the Foundation “Ubi societas, ibi ius“. The editor-in-chief of the Great Encyclopedia of Law is prof. zw. dr hab. dr h.c. Brunon Hołyst, and deputy editor-in-chief – prof. zw. dr hab. dr h.c. Roman Hauser
Scientific research and projects
Employees of the Department of Commercial and Maritime Law conduct research in the following areas of research:
1. Commercial companies law;
2. Contractual system of trade;
3. Capital markets law;
4. Blockchain (DLT) Law;
5. Housing law;
6. Maritime law (liability issues, recent codifications of maritime law).
As part of conducted research, the employees of the Department of Commercial and Maritime Law organize regular scientific conferences – including “Toruń Meetings with Commercial Law” and “Digital currencies – definition and regulatory problems”. The Department of Commercial and Maritime Law also hosts the Scientific Circle for Commercial Law operates at the, whose supervisor is PhD Aleksandra Sikorska – Lewandowska.
Most important publications
– A. Moszyńska, Geneza prawa spadkowego w polskim kodeksie cywilnym z 1964 roku, Toruń 2019,, language: Polish;
– A. Moszyńska (Falkowska), Odpowiedzialność sprzedawcy z tytułu rękojmi za wady fizyczne rzeczy, Warszawa 2010, language: Polish;
– A. Sikorska-Lewandowska, Sankcje wadliwych uchwał rad nadzorczych spółek kapitałowych i spółdzielni (Sanctions of defective resolutions of supervisory boards of capital companies and cooperatives), Toruń 2013, language: Polish;
– A. Sikorska-Lewandowska, Uchwały właścicieli lokali. Studium prawne, Warszawa 2017, language: Polish;
– A. Sikorska-Lewandowska, The housing community in Polish law. Methods of management of communal areas, Studia Iuridica Toruniensia 2017, t. XX, language: English;
– Z. Pepłowska-Dąbrowska (together with J. Nawrot, UG), (ed.) „Codification of maritime law: challenges, possibilities and experience”, Informa Law from Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon 2020, pp. 263,, language: English;
– Z. Pepłowska-Dąbrowska, (together with J. Nawrot, UG), “Maritime legislation in Poland and the proposals of the Codification Commission for Maritime Law”, 2017 Journal of International Maritime Law Vol. 23 no 3, pp. 220-227, language: English;
– Z. Pepłowska-Dąbrowska, M. Dragun-Gertner (prof. em. UMK), J. Krzemiński (phD in the Department), “The Cape Town Convention and Polish Law on Security Interests” in S. Kozuka (ed.) Implementing the Cape Town Convention and the Domestic Laws on Secured Transactions, Springer 2017, pp. 281-290, language: English.
Most important scientific projects
– A. Moszyńska, (participant) scientific project entitled „Kaufrecht in Mitteleuropa” – the sales regulations of the German General Commercial Code (ADHGB), their reception and further evolution in Central European countries;
– A. Moszyńska, (co-investigator) scientific project entitled “Rezeption der Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)“ – development of the German model of a limited liability company in European countries;
– Z. Pepłowska-Dąbrowska, Problems of Contemporary Maritime Codes, National Science Center, Poland, contract no UMO-2016/22/E/HS5/00050 (see here for more details);
– Z. Pepłowska-Dąbrowska, In search for regulatory approach to autonomous vessels, project finances by National Science Center, Poland, contract no 2020/37/B/HS5/00471 (see here for more details);
– M. T. Kłoda, scientific project entitled „Rules on the representation of the Polish Space Agency in the period after the dismissal of its president”, grant for early-stage researchers.