Contact ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 3, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 41 10

Faculty units


Department of Roman and Canon Law, History of Law and State Structures

Department of History of Legal and Political Thought and German Law

Department of Constitutional Law

Department of Criminal Law

Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics

Department of Civil Law

Department of Human Rights

Department of Commercial Law, Maritime Law and Civil Procedure Law

Department of International Public Law and European Law

Department of Public Finances Law

Department of Environmental Protection and Public Economic Law

Department of Labour Law

Department of Theory of Law and State

Department of Insurance and Medical Law

Department of Administrative Law


Independent Scientific Centres:

 Centre for Electoral Studies

Cybercrime Research Centre

Cuiavian-Pomeranian Academic Centre for Environmental Protection Law

Centre for Fiscal Studies